Our Primary Program

"Individualized instruction breeds success!"
Our Primary Program offers a unique educational experience which is unmatched anywhere.
Our extremely small class sizes allow each child the opportunity to be challenged academically. We offer a full academic program including Mathematics, Language Arts, core French, Social and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Physical Education and Computer Studies.
Our reading program combines phonics, whole language and personal instruction so that your child is reading earlier, faster . . . BETTER!
Our students work one-on-one with their teacher, to ensure the highest possible academic success. KinderKollege students participate in their own learning and are held accountable for their learning in class.
We utilize the Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines as our minimum standards. Our students are generally working 6 months to 1 full year in advance of their public school age peers. Any problems students may be experiencing, are identified early and addressed quickly.
KinderKollege also has a history of meeting the needs of exceptional students whose needs are not being serviced by the public school system. Students requiring greater challenge academically, also find that KinderKollege is uniquely able to ensure that they receive the most out of school.
Our Kindergarten Program

"When a child hears something, they forget it. If they see it, they remember it. If they do it, they learn it."
Our Kindergarten program offers full-day classes for both Junior and Senior Kindergarten.
We believe that every child deserves a quality start to their education, which is why we offer a structured curriculum focussing on academics. Utilizing an activity based, child-centered curriculum, we provide Reading, Mathematics, French, Science, Art, Music, Physical Education and Computer Studies.
Our full curriculum enables our students the best possible start to their education and fosters development in Languages, Math, Sciences and Creative Arts. Our goal is to foster the development of the whole child, with a focus on encouraging enthusiasm, respect and responsibility. Our students are taught to care about themselves, their families, peers and their school. Our teachers are uniquely qualified in the education of young children.